Monday, March 8, 2010

todays thoughts on cake

Have you ever heard of being afraid of success. Well I think I am. Once many moons ago I started doing cakes. I bought my first cake from a cake decorating store.. I paid $35.00 dollars for a tiny, ugly colored cake shaped like Garfield ( she used a Garfield pan) just covering it with piped stars. Think how disappointed I was when we started to eat this poor cake ,that really only fed 10 people, if it was lucky, tasted terrible. From that moment on I started making and decorating my own cakes. My first cake was a shaped pan of Rudolf the reindeer with little pipped stars.. It was cute and tasted good. Then when I had kids, I started drawing what ever the design of the plate was onto a big sheet cake and then pipping in the color. Like now, people would see and then ask would I do a cake for what ever the occasion was. Before I knew it they wanted wedding. I was a nervous wreck. I was afraid of everything. I always wanted it to be perfect and I hate asking for money ( nor did I now how much to charge) and well I never feel like I am good enough, Then there was that whole getting the cake there.I started turning people down and telling them I did not do cakes. Well, lets fast forward to now about 20 years later. It all starts with doing one little cake for my niece's baby shower, then it was a wedding shower for a nephew, then the wedding cake. Then you start getting the "would you do a cake for my ____ "?you can fill in the blank. Then their friends want to get in touch with you, So you start a little face book page, and then you have people from other county's and even other city's wanting cakes. I am not as nervous as I was in my youth, age, experience working with people and food in the restaurant industry, and maybe a even a little more confidence has given me the ability to say " YES, I can make that cake for you".
Where is this little hobby going to take me. I don't know. What do I do when I have more than three cakes in a day. I did turn one cake order away because I felt I could not do three in a day, I regretted that now. I have told my self......" if GOD brings them my way, I will make that cake".
Afraid what if it does turn into a business, what if it grows so much I need a shop to locate to. what if I have to start hiring people to help.......omg what if I become a success. Can you want something and fear it as well. Life is learning ..........can I learn to be a success. Lord knows I have feared being the failure.

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