Monday, May 3, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Shadow the hedgehog cake
Mickey mouse cake
Mickey Mouse cake for my great nephew's 1st birthday. Hardest part was making the Mickey out of gum paste and fondant. Over all was happy with this one though I must admit I thought it was going to be to simple looking at first.I like things over the top and like the bling. I kept the red bow flat and simple to make it look more cartoon like Donald's bow. Ears on the hat were made from mixing fondant and gum paste together forming the round shape and letting it dry for about a week. 

Saturday, April 3, 2010
Easter cake

Happy Easter !!!!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Blue bird cake

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Naruto cake......again dude was made from fondant and gum paste. Hand painted on the flames...........He had flames around bottom of jacket and some Japanese writing on his back............man I wished I would have gotten a back of the cake picture... ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Gaara of the desert

Gaara was made from gum paste and fondant.... sand was brown sugar........Kid loved it........I am still not sure who he is.
Auburn birthday cake

For a Auburn loving women for her birthday. I am so impressed with my bows......... I am not proud of much I do............but I figured it out my self. Still thinking that is going to be my signature lol lol.... Did not want to make it sooooooooo football........so I kept it in the Auburn colors and made it girly. Uh did I ever tell any one....I am all ALABAMA fan!!! ROLLLL TIDE!!!! ( redeems my working on an auburn cake) lol
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
pink and whte cake

Pink and white cake was created for a 65 year old women. Husband wanted to get her a special cake but, did not know what to do for her, or what her favorite color was. All he could tell me was she loved flowers.This is what I came up with. Gave me another chance to use my lace and pearl mold ( which I love). I want to purchase more lace molds because I love the look. Seems like for every girl cake I must do two or three boy ones. Have a Gaara of the desert, and then his buddy Naruto. Then a auburn cake. I would rather do frilly girl cakes for sure.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Black and white cake
Yes I figured out how to make a striped fondant bow... it looked so real even I had to take a second glance at it. The women was wanting the same cake I made for my daughter, but I talked her into letting me play. She got way more than she paid. Next one, I am charging the full price I wavered on this one. This one took me over 13 hours.. first the fondant kept craking and tearing on me then, I hand cut scroll work.....uh not again ( unless really making some money )Sad part I think the bow was the easy part. Over all I think I am happy with this one. yeah me!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
This weeks cake is another black and white topsy turvy. Excited, wanting it to top the last one. Bought the feathers to put on top Monday. Bought more than needed, I just could not resist I go for that kind of thing, maybe if I am lucky I will get the chance to use them on another cake. Thinking of putting a black and white stripped big over sized bow at the bottom of the feathers.......Now if I can only figure out how to make the bow stripped????MMMMMMMMM???
Monday, March 8, 2010
todays thoughts on cake
Have you ever heard of being afraid of success. Well I think I am. Once many moons ago I started doing cakes. I bought my first cake from a cake decorating store.. I paid $35.00 dollars for a tiny, ugly colored cake shaped like Garfield ( she used a Garfield pan) just covering it with piped stars. Think how disappointed I was when we started to eat this poor cake ,that really only fed 10 people, if it was lucky, tasted terrible. From that moment on I started making and decorating my own cakes. My first cake was a shaped pan of Rudolf the reindeer with little pipped stars.. It was cute and tasted good. Then when I had kids, I started drawing what ever the design of the plate was onto a big sheet cake and then pipping in the color. Like now, people would see and then ask would I do a cake for what ever the occasion was. Before I knew it they wanted wedding. I was a nervous wreck. I was afraid of everything. I always wanted it to be perfect and I hate asking for money ( nor did I now how much to charge) and well I never feel like I am good enough, Then there was that whole getting the cake there.I started turning people down and telling them I did not do cakes. Well, lets fast forward to now about 20 years later. It all starts with doing one little cake for my niece's baby shower, then it was a wedding shower for a nephew, then the wedding cake. Then you start getting the "would you do a cake for my ____ "?you can fill in the blank. Then their friends want to get in touch with you, So you start a little face book page, and then you have people from other county's and even other city's wanting cakes. I am not as nervous as I was in my youth, age, experience working with people and food in the restaurant industry, and maybe a even a little more confidence has given me the ability to say " YES, I can make that cake for you".
Where is this little hobby going to take me. I don't know. What do I do when I have more than three cakes in a day. I did turn one cake order away because I felt I could not do three in a day, I regretted that now. I have told my self......" if GOD brings them my way, I will make that cake".
Afraid what if it does turn into a business, what if it grows so much I need a shop to locate to. what if I have to start hiring people to help.......omg what if I become a success. Can you want something and fear it as well. Life is learning ..........can I learn to be a success. Lord knows I have feared being the failure.
Where is this little hobby going to take me. I don't know. What do I do when I have more than three cakes in a day. I did turn one cake order away because I felt I could not do three in a day, I regretted that now. I have told my self......" if GOD brings them my way, I will make that cake".
Afraid what if it does turn into a business, what if it grows so much I need a shop to locate to. what if I have to start hiring people to help.......omg what if I become a success. Can you want something and fear it as well. Life is learning ..........can I learn to be a success. Lord knows I have feared being the failure.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Pink Purse birthday cake

This cake I loved doing. I love all the lace and pearls. My purse alone was so cute any little girl would want to pick it up and carry it. I guess they can pick it up and eat it. I think this is the first cake I am happy with that I created. OK there are still some things I would have done different, and I had to stop my self from sticking lace and pearls on everything. next time.....thinking I need to add some finger nail polish and do a better job on the gloves. My mind is turning.....Thinking a vanity table with all the little stuff on it.......... Now how do I make a mirror stand up and be edible mmmm?????
Minnie Mouse Ears Cake
Minnie Mouse ears cake. Every one has done one.. Now so have I. Fondant gave me a hard time all day. It kept cracking and ripping. The bow on top took me 4 tries to get that sad bow. I was rushing it a bit wanting it to be finished. Would have the bow done and put it on the cake and the ears would be in the way. If I ever do this one again, I will make bow on top short but fatter, more like Minnie bow.Should been a easy no brain-er cake if the fondant would have been in a better mood that day. I think I rolled out the bottom layer three times.....( and it still was not a perfect job. )
Friday, February 26, 2010
Wedding shower Cake
Wish they didn't want the tips of the roses darker...I think it would have been prettier solid and roses done in gum paste. These where done in royal icing, leaves out of fondant with a mold. Was trying to get her china pattern to go around the cake but in the color pink. Hoping the little tiny edible pearls attached to the side do not fall off. Made big pearls by rolling fondant into balls then brushing with pearl shimmer dust.
Why do I always feel like every cake I do is terrible when I am finished, then in the morning I am happier. I need to stop being so critical over my work. Most people get that it is icing and sugar. I am not in some cake challenge.

I just wish I was as good as the pros'
Friday, February 12, 2010
Alabama Cake

Alabama cake would have been so easy if I had not had the mess up with Vic and the oven. Remade big Al and the emblem while making the other Alabama cake. Finished them both up and now I am exhausted. Poor Larry's cake Just had to get thrown together. Let my daughter do the polka dots and made a fast little big AL face for the middle............hey its for free how can he complain. He will be thankful he got a cake.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Mater Cake

Mater cake, Oh my. I want to scrap the whole thing and start over, But I am already behind as it is. I have two other cakes I have to do and this one is due tomorrow. Hoping I like it in the morning when I am not so tired. I was really wanting to impress and wow with this one. I am going to have to settle with It's better than a grocery store cake. Stressed any way, one of the cakes I am doing this weekend is another Alabama cake. I had made big AL the elephant and had him air drying in my oven to keep him protected. Well, my husband decided to make muffins when I took the kids to school. I lost big Al and the hand painted emblems.
Not to mention the Styrofoam board and a good cutting board. Well I spent yesterday cleaning a burnt on mess in the oven and the black soot on every thing else. So today I tried to get caught up. I only got this cake finished. Hoping tomorrow I can get this one delivered and start on the other two when I wake up with energy. ( please let me wake up with energy )))). We are expecting snow tomorrow. If I worked all night to get this done and I don't get to deliver it............ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! good night

Saturday, February 6, 2010
Apple crate cake
Apple crate cake.
I know what your thinking " Hey, you have shown this one before" Wrong!! I got my chance at making this one again. This one was for a man that grows and sells his own apples. Can not wait to find out if he loved it or not. The person that requested it loved it and I guess that is good enough for now. I added more color to the leaves this time and added some leaves to the little flowers on the side. Thinking this one looks better than the first try at it. Took me all day to accomplish this one but, I was real happy with it.Well there is always something I wished I could have done better but....... If I am ever asked to this one again, I think I will have it down pat. Next week not sure what I am going to do. I had one of this weekend cakes moved to next weekend where I already have two cakes I am doing... Might be some late night decorating going on this week. Will be glad to get this mater cake out of my hair. I am tired of thinking, worrying, and planning it........let's hope she does not move it back any more.

Saturday, January 30, 2010
Simpson's cake
Simpson cake
was fun to do wish I had more time to work on the characters. Was wanting to do all the characters on the cake but, did not have the time nor make enough money to do so either. My men"s head sunk a little over night and homer should have been fatter. They where happy with it and loved the pic of the cake when I showed them online.Next week will be my challenge week. I will be doing mater and the apple basket cake . Was shocked at how both the cakes I did last night came together fast for me. I am not sure if I am getting faster or where they just easier cakes I pulled off.

My version of the pregnant dress cake
Well not much to say about this one. The young pregnant women saw a picture online of a cake and wanted it to look just like the pic. I came as close as I could. I did add some shimmer to the fondant to give it more glitz and of course wrote the baby to be Born's name on the little heart I made from gumpaste. From the picture was not sure what they did for the edges of cake so I tried to come as close as I could to what I saw. This one also gave me a chance to practice my pipping. Still need a lot more practice on that one.
I think she should be happy, Don't think your going to get a grocery store to come out with this.
Wish I would have gave the body a neck... the boobs look a little like a back side and I wish I would have made the belly a little bigger. I also gave my women a little more sexy figure. Like all my creations always happier the next morning after a good nights sleep.
I think she should be happy, Don't think your going to get a grocery store to come out with this.

Wish I would have gave the body a neck... the boobs look a little like a back side and I wish I would have made the belly a little bigger. I also gave my women a little more sexy figure. Like all my creations always happier the next morning after a good nights sleep.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Chipmunk Girl Cake
Chipmunk Girl Cake

This one I started working on the chipmunks five days before they were needed. I used a mixture of fondant and gum paste mixed together. Mixing them together gives me something that will dry some what fast yet soft enough to create the faces and a little more time to work on them. I detailed them the rest of the way the next day using a painting method with food coloring. I marbled the cake with light and dark pink. Had no idea what to do with the rest of the cake, so I just went girlie and with the hot colors of the day. pink, brown and black. Was real proud of the one in glasses. She was my best one. The others would have done over if I would have had the time and not loose any more money off of it. Was going to put the boy chipmunk faces on the sides of the cake but, I did not like the result so we trashed them and went with black eyed daisies and brown polka dots. Now on to the Simpson cake that is needed for Saturday morning.
Monday, January 18, 2010
How do I make my hobby into a business?
I have a problem now. My little cake hobby is turning into a business. What do I do? I have people that want to get in touch with me to do a cake for them and I do not want my house or cell number handed out to strangers. Let's face facts. If I don't know the name on caller I.D. I do not answer. I am thinking about getting me a web page up and take orders up that way but, I do not even know how to get started. So far I have just been making the cakes and asking for enough money to keep my little hobby going. Let's face another fact, all those little tools of the trade are not cheap. Have no idea how to price the cakes they are wanting either. It is time consuming as well....another fact : I might work up to 8 hours on one little birthday cake. Sometimes have more time in those than I do on a simple wedding cake. I have three cake orders due next week. So far people have been asking through friends to get in touch with me but, with every cake I send to a party my reputation spreads further out into the universe. Help!! Lost and don't know what I am going to do!!! What is the next step to turning your self into a business???
Sunday, January 17, 2010
WWE wrestling cake

Not much to say about this one.. was a little last minute, So I had to cover dowel rods for my post and use red curling ribbons for my robe. Would have used pretzel rods for post and red liquorish for the robes if I could have made a store run. Molded the men out of fondant and lucked up that they dried by morning. The WWE sign in the middle I cut out a circle from fondant and painted on the design with food coloring. Love doing that technique. Love getting to use my artful side of me. Found a face mold in the clay section in a craft store... ( Victorian faces to be exact) After I used the mold I then moved things around on the face to make each one different and look like men and a little more mean. I was on my own with the body, But I am now thinking I need to start looking in the clay craft section more often. They sell the little metal cutters cheaper over there as well. I think I pay any where from 4 to 7 dollars for some of those metal shape cutters in the cake section. I bought me three in a pack butterflies for $1.15 in the clay section, even a cuter shape.Now isn't that strange and ironic.

Friday, January 15, 2010
Jagermiester Cake.
Jagermiester cake
took me some time to paint each label. Never really want to paint that deer again. Cake is 5 layers high. Butter cream icing then covered with fondant. The bottles where made from rice crispies then covered with fondant, then hand painted with food coloring. The ice was made from cooking sugar. Pouring out onto aliminum foil then crushed... would have loved to had more time to get better looking ice. I had to go with with what I had made up. Over all it looks ok for the amature that I am. Still learning somthing from each cake. Thinking do I want to go to school somewhere and really learn how to do this stuff or not. People still asking me to do there cake so I am getting alot of practice. Tomorrow it is a WWE wrestling cake... should be interesting. Will post that cake as soon as I am through.

Friday, January 1, 2010
Abby Cadabby Cake

This was my first shot at making Abby Cadabby cake. Did not even know who she was till asked to make her. Her base was shaped from rice Krispies then covered in fondant. Her magical wand has a tooth pic base then covered in fondant. Then using the grass tip I pipped the fluff on the end of the wand. Butterflies where made in advance so I could get more depth. I Got to use my new butterfly cutter and my letter cutter that I got for Christmas. I think I am getting to the step with this hobby that I need to find a cake supplier somewhere close to me. I have out grown the local craft store. Over all I was happy with the little figure... will change a few things If I have to do her again. But, I am ready for my next challenge. Bring it on!
This cake was for a man.. These where the colors he seems to like the most. It almost has an army feel to the cake which works also because he is army. Just wanted something small and more masculine. Finding ideas for a cake with a masculine feel was hard for me...
But, isn't it hard when someone gives you free rein to do what you want yet they give you no spring board to jump off of . Was not even close to being my best cake........but really it was not my worst either.

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