Friday, March 26, 2010
Blue bird cake

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Naruto cake......again dude was made from fondant and gum paste. Hand painted on the flames...........He had flames around bottom of jacket and some Japanese writing on his back............man I wished I would have gotten a back of the cake picture... ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Gaara of the desert

Gaara was made from gum paste and fondant.... sand was brown sugar........Kid loved it........I am still not sure who he is.
Auburn birthday cake

For a Auburn loving women for her birthday. I am so impressed with my bows......... I am not proud of much I do............but I figured it out my self. Still thinking that is going to be my signature lol lol.... Did not want to make it sooooooooo football........so I kept it in the Auburn colors and made it girly. Uh did I ever tell any one....I am all ALABAMA fan!!! ROLLLL TIDE!!!! ( redeems my working on an auburn cake) lol
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
pink and whte cake

Pink and white cake was created for a 65 year old women. Husband wanted to get her a special cake but, did not know what to do for her, or what her favorite color was. All he could tell me was she loved flowers.This is what I came up with. Gave me another chance to use my lace and pearl mold ( which I love). I want to purchase more lace molds because I love the look. Seems like for every girl cake I must do two or three boy ones. Have a Gaara of the desert, and then his buddy Naruto. Then a auburn cake. I would rather do frilly girl cakes for sure.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Black and white cake
Yes I figured out how to make a striped fondant bow... it looked so real even I had to take a second glance at it. The women was wanting the same cake I made for my daughter, but I talked her into letting me play. She got way more than she paid. Next one, I am charging the full price I wavered on this one. This one took me over 13 hours.. first the fondant kept craking and tearing on me then, I hand cut scroll work.....uh not again ( unless really making some money )Sad part I think the bow was the easy part. Over all I think I am happy with this one. yeah me!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
This weeks cake is another black and white topsy turvy. Excited, wanting it to top the last one. Bought the feathers to put on top Monday. Bought more than needed, I just could not resist I go for that kind of thing, maybe if I am lucky I will get the chance to use them on another cake. Thinking of putting a black and white stripped big over sized bow at the bottom of the feathers.......Now if I can only figure out how to make the bow stripped????MMMMMMMMM???
Monday, March 8, 2010
todays thoughts on cake
Have you ever heard of being afraid of success. Well I think I am. Once many moons ago I started doing cakes. I bought my first cake from a cake decorating store.. I paid $35.00 dollars for a tiny, ugly colored cake shaped like Garfield ( she used a Garfield pan) just covering it with piped stars. Think how disappointed I was when we started to eat this poor cake ,that really only fed 10 people, if it was lucky, tasted terrible. From that moment on I started making and decorating my own cakes. My first cake was a shaped pan of Rudolf the reindeer with little pipped stars.. It was cute and tasted good. Then when I had kids, I started drawing what ever the design of the plate was onto a big sheet cake and then pipping in the color. Like now, people would see and then ask would I do a cake for what ever the occasion was. Before I knew it they wanted wedding. I was a nervous wreck. I was afraid of everything. I always wanted it to be perfect and I hate asking for money ( nor did I now how much to charge) and well I never feel like I am good enough, Then there was that whole getting the cake there.I started turning people down and telling them I did not do cakes. Well, lets fast forward to now about 20 years later. It all starts with doing one little cake for my niece's baby shower, then it was a wedding shower for a nephew, then the wedding cake. Then you start getting the "would you do a cake for my ____ "?you can fill in the blank. Then their friends want to get in touch with you, So you start a little face book page, and then you have people from other county's and even other city's wanting cakes. I am not as nervous as I was in my youth, age, experience working with people and food in the restaurant industry, and maybe a even a little more confidence has given me the ability to say " YES, I can make that cake for you".
Where is this little hobby going to take me. I don't know. What do I do when I have more than three cakes in a day. I did turn one cake order away because I felt I could not do three in a day, I regretted that now. I have told my self......" if GOD brings them my way, I will make that cake".
Afraid what if it does turn into a business, what if it grows so much I need a shop to locate to. what if I have to start hiring people to help.......omg what if I become a success. Can you want something and fear it as well. Life is learning ..........can I learn to be a success. Lord knows I have feared being the failure.
Where is this little hobby going to take me. I don't know. What do I do when I have more than three cakes in a day. I did turn one cake order away because I felt I could not do three in a day, I regretted that now. I have told my self......" if GOD brings them my way, I will make that cake".
Afraid what if it does turn into a business, what if it grows so much I need a shop to locate to. what if I have to start hiring people to help.......omg what if I become a success. Can you want something and fear it as well. Life is learning ..........can I learn to be a success. Lord knows I have feared being the failure.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Pink Purse birthday cake

This cake I loved doing. I love all the lace and pearls. My purse alone was so cute any little girl would want to pick it up and carry it. I guess they can pick it up and eat it. I think this is the first cake I am happy with that I created. OK there are still some things I would have done different, and I had to stop my self from sticking lace and pearls on everything. next time.....thinking I need to add some finger nail polish and do a better job on the gloves. My mind is turning.....Thinking a vanity table with all the little stuff on it.......... Now how do I make a mirror stand up and be edible mmmm?????
Minnie Mouse Ears Cake
Minnie Mouse ears cake. Every one has done one.. Now so have I. Fondant gave me a hard time all day. It kept cracking and ripping. The bow on top took me 4 tries to get that sad bow. I was rushing it a bit wanting it to be finished. Would have the bow done and put it on the cake and the ears would be in the way. If I ever do this one again, I will make bow on top short but fatter, more like Minnie bow.Should been a easy no brain-er cake if the fondant would have been in a better mood that day. I think I rolled out the bottom layer three times.....( and it still was not a perfect job. )
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