This weeks cake was for an anniversary. I Just butter creamed the whole cake. Used fondant to make ribbon band. Made royal icing roses and attached them as I made them. Wished I would have made the board bigger on the bottom so I could have made bigger roses coming off the bottom. Oh' Well I did the best I could do with the choices I made. Happy with this one all being considered. To be butter cream covered it turned out OK smooth.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Little mermaid cake
This one was for my niece... made it when little mermaid came that tells you how old this pic is. Again i just drew on the picture using a tooth pic then filled in with different tips to get the effect i wanted ...............excuse the bad picture quality it was taken with an old disposable camera... and i scanned it in. I guess that is why I got tired of working in butter cream... it was a lot of work to get it to look like what I wanted it to... I always strive for realistic to the character as much as I can. I remember being proud of this one also. It looked better in person.

The Batman cake
Thought I would up load an old pic of a cake I did for one of my nephew's birthday. Had to be done sometime in the 90's considering Zach is now like 21 or 22.... This one was done in all butter cream... Back in those days that was all I used... this one I remember taking me a long time... I drew it out with a tooth pick and then filled color in... I was real proud at the time because I thought my face looked good......Looked like the real batman at the time. 

Monday, September 21, 2009

Cakes seemed to be a hit at the wedding...Couple was happy and guest complimented on them often..( me....I found the grooms cake turned out dry and the wedding cake tasted better but, i am not a fan of boxed red velvet cake. Glad i did not try to make them from scratch ( they do taste better that way.) I was already in a time crunch. Now we move on to the next one... This anniversary, Pink and lavender tiered up like a wedding cake... ( this one is going to be a round cake , Hoping it will be awhile before I have to do another square cake again.)
I found the square cake to be awkward to work with and difficult to cover the big bottom tier in fondant.....( still loving working in the fondant though.. it is amazing how well it travels and easy to fix on the spot. Wedding cake squished in a little on the back side ( thank you God for being the back of the cake) All I had to do was push it back down one ever noticed.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Black and White Scroll Wedding Cake,
It is now 11:26 p.m. The Brides cake is finished. I do not even want to count the hours that I put in today. I am also just getting to eat my supper. I should call this one the cake from hell. I bought a new brand of fondant to try... It does taste better, but it is so soft. It's easy to rip, bubble, and very sticky. I will not let that deter me from using it again because I do prefer the taste of it better ( Satin Ice ) . Wilton's brand is easier to work with.. seems to be thicker in consistency.
I will just have to learn how to work with the other. Then I never could get my roses done before hand. So, ribbon roses were tossed together and stuck on. Then my pipping was terrible. It kept stopping up my small tip. Over all just glad I am done. These are just what they are. Not loving them but, I will live with them. Lesson learned in today's hobby.. NEVER do two big cakes in one day. I am only one person with one stove and a mixer. Would love to try the black and white scroll pattern again..............When it is the only one I will be working on.....and not starting on it at complete exhaustion. My feet are throbbing, my back is aching, and my hands hurt. Getting out of bed at 6:00 , and stood on my feet till I sat down to do this.............( did have a fifteen min. lunch break) but will get to bed by 12:00. If I can only relax enough to fall a sleep.
close up of the alabama grooms cake

It is now 3:27 p.m. I am finished with the Alabama Grooms cake. Grooms initial is the center piece with Big Al being the groom on this cake. I started as soon as I got back from taking the kids to school. So, I am thinking This one took me about 7 hours with maybe 30 min sit down breaks here and there. I did put the hounds tooth print on top. Cutting each print out by hand. That was my most time consuming part. Oh' and lets not forget I made the elephants and all other little add on's out of gum paste about a week ago. This cake in total has about 10 hours of work put into it. To find out The S was backwards and everything had to be turned around .........I am tired and exhausted and still have the big grand daddy of a bride cake to go.....Hoping I can hold out till the end and make it great. OH' dear lord be with me for the next 7 hours or more.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Pinks and brown baby quilt
Chocolate pinwheel is what I am calling this one. took me for ever to finally quilt it. Hand quilting on both side of the seam. This was also my second pieced quilt......I hate cutting all of them out. A rotary cutter was used to cut many at a time but still, not my favorite thing to do. I procrastinated on this one as well. I had no deadline,but i made my self finish this one so I could start my next one. Thinking American Baby, lets see how that one turns out.
Friday, September 4, 2009
The tigger lilly cake
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