Quilt was made for the love of my life, uh ...not the dog in the picture, the Man in my life. That is my dog Boo. (If i wanted him to sit there he would not have done it to save my life.) Do not have a name for this one.It makes me think corn field in the fall. Its just a pieced, and hand quilted quilt. Was my first pieced one I ever made. I messed up the pattern, but went with it ( I was not about to go and rip out seams to several little pieces to get it right). I am happy with it, sometimes mistakes makes great creations ( sometimes it makes a big mess) and besides sometimes them mistakes makes us get creative. Here is a thought , If one is more creative than another person, Does that mean the creative person has made more mistakes.

If this is true, one should be just as proud of the mistakes they have made. They are just one step closer to being a more creative person. So for anyone that might read this, go out and try something, accept the mistake and work around it. Get Creative!